free guide

Craft an about page that attracts your ideal client

Take the ick out of selling yourself by getting clear on how to tell your story in a way that resonates with your audience.

Let's call a spade a spade, this guide isn't EXACTLY free. It will cost you one email address. In return you'll get my weekly newsletter, The Quiet Ones, for business owners who want to be visible, but quietly.

You know you need to be more visible, but you find it hard. You don't know how to describe what you do and what your unique point of view is, in a way that helps you get noticed.

When you sell your service, you're really selling yourself. That's why it feels so icky. Writing your bio or website is like having to write a cover letter and unless you're a natural showoff, you're cringing hard at the thought. I do, too. Regularly.

The thing is, you can't just write a bland history and expect your ideal client to care. You have to figure out what it is about you and your story that makes you unique amongst your competitors. And then build out your about page, the rest of your website, and your marketing content, from there.

This guide will help you approach this task with strategy alongside your story, so you can make that connection with your audience.

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The Quiet Ones is a newsletter about embracing your quietness in an extroverted world (does dancing on reels make you a bit sick in your mouth, too?) and marketing your business in a way that feels right.

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